Medicine People Rising
Re-indigenizng & Embodying Our Medicine
In the traditions of old we begin with a form of prayer and beauty making to call forth the Medicine and Ancestors stirring within you.
"To ground in and blossom
Tap roots to your songlines
The sacred shift
From dreaming
To being dreamt
Let your Medicine take hold
Embody you
Steward you
Through You
its holy
the world"
~Chivito Cowa
Earth Veins and Songlines
My mentor, Ben, a Hopi Elder told me "We call the rivers Earth Veins because their waters carry songs, stories and the sacred names that nourish life."
The Brujeria of Mexico speak of the River Beneath The River that invites us into the unique songline being dreamt through us, secretly stewarding us into our Embodied Medicine for those who know how to attune to it.
Re-Indigenizing and Breaking Spells
Indigenous societies look for the unique gifts in others, help them draw them out and cultivate them for they recognized each person came into the world with their unique songline to contribute back to the world.
Our modern colonized society however focuses on conformity... to sacrifice soul for security...Many have long felt unsafe to express their "medicine" or spiritual path. The colonized conditioned psychology disjoints us and keeps us at odds with our deeper sense of self. The Indigenous Societies call this becoming soul loss.
To embody our Medicine is to restore an Indigenous-Mythic relationship with our gifts and path of maturing into them. We're restoring our sacred psychology and reclaiming our bone memories.
What is and isn’t our Medicine
Our Medicine isn’t the skills, technique or knowledge we’ve acquired. Those are merely things we carry in our Medicine Bundle. Our medicine is something much deeper, something unique inside each of us that becomes activated, grows and matures… it’s something we become embodied by.
Learning & Sharing
This is a six week interactive experienced base journey. Even in the online space, we craft this journey to be a cultural experience that weaves traditional ways of passing on knowledge in a way you’re not learning information, you have a felt experience of activating the endangered wisdom and remembrances held in your bone memory.
We’re de-colonizing the learning process and restoring sacred relationship with what we seek.
Here are some of the weavings we'll lean into on this journey
Raven's Beak & The Slow-Gold
in Her Speech
We'll lean into an Indigenous way of coming into your medicine. It’s said it takes nine lifetimes as crow before crow is born into the Raven Clan who are the Myth Carriers and Keepers of ancient knowledge. In ancestral traditions there was an honoring of the slow-gold approach of tending the path so it gifted you ancestral knowledge in relation to your readiness to receive.
The Colonized approach is a mindset of taking, accumulating and pushing the path. We weave in the traditional ways of courting the dreaming and nourishing your medicine so it blossoms within you and takes hold. We make the shift from acquiring to being in relationship and in conversation with your unique Medicine and Songline.
Reading What Cannot Be Written
The oral tradition is laced with hidden knowledge and endangered wisdom. You will experience and become part of the oral tradition. To become Embodied in your Medicine is to become a Story Carrier who fills your medicine bundle with the Origin Stories telling how your Medicine took root in you through the initiations of life. When you know your origin stories, you grow deep tap roots into your medicine and you become embodied in your personal myth and medicine.
Fox Woman Remembering
The Elders share we’re in a time of "remembering." Through colonization our ancestors weren’t able to pass on the spirit traditions nor the sacred psychology that weaves us in the greater web of life, nor pass on the oral stories. So today, Instead of seeking information, we look for the experiences, stories, and conversations that stir the remembrances yet held in our bone memory.
Much of this process is what’s called De-Colonizing our mind… De-Colonizing our Medicine. We're breaking enchantments. It’s a journey of re-adopting an Indigenous Psychology that weaves us back into mythic relationship with nature, ourselves, and the lived story we’re in within the greater context of the web of stories that is life.
From this journey you will:
Origin Stories
Learn how to identify your origin stories, share them from a mythic-indigenous lens, and how to be a story carrier. Knowing your origin stories roots you in your Medicine and empowers you to fully embody it.
De-colonize and Re-indigenize your mind
Make the shift from the colonized mindsets that disjoints and diminishes your Medicine to an Indigenous Psychology that nourishes and empowers your Medicine.
Mythic-Indigenous Approach
Learn how court The Dreaming. Learn the indigenous approach of being in relationship with your songline where instead of accumulating information/skills, you acknowledge your songline and medicine is alive, intelligent, even self-aware... here you enter a way to be mentored and steward by your songline. We make the shift from dreaming to being dreamt.
Details & Dates
Includes five 90 minute Council Fires...​
Each council fire models cultural ways of storytelling, ritual, beauty making and dialogue.
Includes transcripts of stories plus bonus stories, inspired content and videos.
Includes an online forum to connect with Chivito and other participants throughout.
These are interactive where we dialogue and go through powerful journeys to draw out the learnings so instead of passing on information you have a felt sense of awakening and activating forgotten knowledge and endangered wisdom.
Dates & Time:
Thursdays @ 6:00 - 8:00pm PST
Jan , 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
Feb 2nd, 9th
Option of adding Private mentoring.
Receive Discount
Normally $108, now only $60 during journey.