Ayurveda & Shamanic Mentorship
Path of The Sadhaka
Whether you want an introduction, a subject specific training or ready to dive in...
This is for those who want to learn Ayurveda and Shamanism in a more traditional way which is through the direct experience of integrating the mindsets, understandings and practices into your life so it becomes apart of you.
Ayurveda and Shamanism are ways of perceiving and interacting with the world based on time proven principles of nature. It’s a way of being in relationship with your body, your mental-emotional states, and the greater flow of life. It's discovering how the laws of nature apply within ourselves.
They reveal the cause and effect connections within you (body & mental-emotional states) and within your life.
What this means is you begin to see and know how to interact so you’re able to know how to navigate your health, relationships, and life path with greater confidence and clarity.
What's more is you begin to shift from feeling removed from nature to being apart of it and included within its dance.
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Have you Experienced this?
It is seen, and you too may have also experienced this, how our Western approach to learning is by memorizing information. We attend a course or workshop and once we finish it, we ask ourselves “Now how do I apply this?” Have you ever experienced that?
Why this happens is because though the information is valuable, it’s presented out of relationship with where you are and how to bring it into yourself.
This mentorship greets you with where you are and awakens these understandings and practices within you allowing life to be the guide and classroom.
I once asked an Elder a question and he said "The Answer is in the drum."
The Elders of these traditions of Ayurveda & Shamanism share this isn’t new information but it’s wisdom already inherently within you. What we’re doing is stirring the remembrances of it within and learning how to live it.
He said "The drum is the experience of walking the path which allows the wisdom awaken within."
So rather than forcing ourselves to learn new diets, routines, or raw information in a step-by-step format, we utilize how nature is expressing Herself within you and without you to reveal the lessons to be learned so you are learning in relationship with each moment, challenge, and flow in real-time.
In this way, you learn the core principles, practices, and techniques and gain experience applying them in real-time to your life.
"This isn't knowledge you learn,
it's wisdom you become"
Style of Mentoring and Learning
We call it the invisible school or Coyote Mentoring. Rather than giving you lists and routines and information to memorize, we weave together the pertinent wisdom through storytelling, deep inquiry, and practical action steps that lovingly lead you in awakening the wisdom within so you may naturally apply it. It becomes intuitive and in doing so you become the wisdom.
With that said, we’ll often provide reading material, videos, audios etc to help you go deeper into the technical knowledge base. What we’re sharing with you comes from Ayurveda which is the Natural Science and Medicine of India that’s been handed down for over 5000 years. So you can imagine there may be some technical-study oriented parts.
However, the core of what you learn will come from using the seasons, time of day, your personal cycle, current balance or imbalance to weave in the technical data into intuitive wisdom so you may apply it with greater ease rather than by memorizing facts and trying to figure out how to then apply it to your situation.
How It Works
We begin with a conversation. Email us your interests, what you wish to learn or what has inspired you to follow this path.
We'll then have a phone session so we can connect and you can experience the art of our mentoring.
From this conversation we'll outline a path to journey.
We'll then meet once or twice a month via phone sessions or in person if you're within the area.
Sessions are between 60 to 90 minute long.
You may be provided instructional material to study and explore between sessions and we'll explore how the principles are being expressed in your life currently. You'll discover how to apply these and we'll mentor you in integrating them into your life in real-time.
With that said, no two spirit paths are alike and each mentorship is tailored to you.