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Of Fox and Raven Bones

A virtual Storytelling Event

We gather together like the days of old where through storytelling and dialogue we draw out the the deeper meanings within the mythic themes and symbology surfacing in your life

“Australian Aborigines say that the big stories—the stories worth telling and retelling, the ones in which you may find the meaning of your life—are forever stalking the right teller, sniffing and tracking like predators hunting their prey in the bush.”~Robert Moss

To support those quarantined, we’re offering a  virtual fire gathering (webinar) on the 1st and 3rd Sunday where we can circle together (virtually) and be in a felt sense of community. 


Join us in the traditional bardic ways and let the stories and wisdom tales entertain, inspire and stalk us like the wolf stalks deer and the moon shadows stalk wolf. 

During these times, you can panic, give in to fear or you can come close-in, remember the power you do have and join in on the enchantment of mythic storytelling and soulful dialogue with community.  

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Each Sunday we’ll enter the dreaming of a fable, myth or story and reveal how these mythic elements may be expressing themselves in your present life.  


We’ll catch each others stories of what we’re experiencing during these pandemic times.  


Experience the art of mentoring where through insightful inquiry we help each other reveal the deeper themes at present in our life.


We’ll walk away newly inspired, empowered with what we can do, and be nourished by community and the old bardic ways that nourish soul.

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We'll Resume our Storytelling in October


Cost: FREE. (Normally $20/class or $60/month)

You'll receive an email with further details and link to our next Virtual Gathering



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