
Raising Standards for Psychologist, Coaches, and Therapy
Imagine if therapist didn’t just receive a certificate of completion of study but had to go through their own dark underworld, and were able to help others from their own intimate experiential knowledge of the inner terrain… of grief tending, de-colonizing their stories, and navigating their shadows.
It was once considered until a person experienced their own shadows, been touched by grief and struggle, they weren’t qualified to guide others or hold important roles within the village.
This is our commitment to you… to raise the standard where only those who’ve been trained and gone through their shadow worlds and emerged anew are here to serve you.
All of our mentors have completed our Shadow Guide Training and have gone through the Awakening The Sage Journey a couple times.
These intensive trainings drew out their fears, insecurities, grief, shame, and hidden huts within their shadowlands. They learned how to dialogue with them, tap into the mythic layers and become rooted in the underlying soul story they’re living out.
Each one has walked off into the desert and fasted for three days and three nights on Vision Quest where they were forced to apply all their learned and come into direct contact with their insecurities and strengths. CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO
They returned as our village of people drummed them back into the circle, heard their stories and acknowledge those you began the journey are not the same who returned and acknowledge they journeyed not just for themselves but to contribute their “medicine” to the community.