
Shamanic Nature
Guide Program
This is a 10 month Nature & Rites of Passage Guide Training.
Imagine learning to be a nature guide and rites of passage facilitator in a more traditional way…. imagine learning ways of the Scout, primitive skills, tracking and of the plants and eco systems. Imagine tuning your ear to the living earth and forest relatives… of learning how to guide youth and adults in nature based education classes and rites of passage. Imagine learning how to identify the stories and beliefs people hold and how to lovingly guide them into new expanded paradigms. Imagine knowing how to help others harvest their “medicine” or Gifts, step into them and carry them in a sacred way. Imagine being able to facilitate the Way of Council and guide deep circle work to facilitate profound healing.

Don’t you agree it’s time we begin to provide Guides and Facilitators who can not just teach information or skills but are able to connect us and inspire a way of being in deeper relation with the natural world… with ourselves? To not teach spiritual belief or dogma, but able to guide others to discover their own truth and relationship with Spirit and themselves.
This training weaves together wilderness skills, Ayurveda, Shamanism, and the tools to guide others and facilitate deep levels of change in others.

You will learn to facilitate nature and wilderness skills classes for youth and adults, guide rites of passage, and lead circle/council work for providing deep shifts, healing, and learning.
This is an introductory year one course. We follow a traditional manner in that you learn by experience. You’ll go through deep healing, shifts, and rites of passage.

What Level of a guide will you be?
Part of our training is honoring you can only share at the level you yourself have experienced deep shifts. To facilitate profound change and guide others from an expanded and grounded awareness you first must journey through your own shadows so you may comfortably rest in who you are.
We have a high standard for our guides and those who complete our program. You don’t receive a completion because you showed up for the classes… you get a certification for demonstrating the skills you’ve learned and exemplify what it is to live your medicine.

Guide Skills Learned:
How to guide others to their own answers, truths, and understandings
How to let others struggle without needing to fix or provide answers
How to adopt the mind of the Tracker which is to rest in the Question rather than need an answer
How to facilitate Way of Council, ask the right questions, and provide safe, sacred space for others to authentically share
Mentoring Skills from Traditional Perspectives
Emotional Intelligence and how to help others learn it, communicate it, and live it
Limiting Beliefs Destroyer… how to recognize them and ask the right questions to lead others to a more expansive mindset
How to help others discover and step into their medicine
You’ll learn core Psychological and Shamanic processes/techniques to guide others through their limitations, emotions, and stories
Learn To Facilitate Rites of Passage such as
Wilderness Fire Vigil
Fall Equinox Shadow Vigil
Spring Equinox Wilderness Re-Birth Vigil
Summer Solstice Empowerment Rites

Nature Skills You'll Learn
Plant I.D.
You’ll learn how to identify the trees and fauna of the PNW or guided how to learn those of your region. Rather than learning information, you’re guided into the naturalist mindset so you may begin to not just identify, but see the relationships of plants, animals and eco-systems. It’s learning a new language and way of perceiving.
Tracking & Animal Sign:
You’ll learn the basics of tracking. More importantly, you’ll learn how to adopt the Tracker’s mind and how to ask the right questions to piece together the story and discover the relational aspects at play​
Bird I.D. & Language
Learn the core calls/songs of birds and how they reveal what’s happening all around you in the forest. Discover how to learn the baseline of a given area, to identify the community and get to know the routines.
Nature Awareness
Learn how to discover the baseline community and languages of a specific environment. Learn how to be included within the community and hence become part of the conversations the animals, birds, plants and energies are having. Learn to communicate with them.​
Primitive Skills:
How to make friction fire by bow-drill, make primitive shelters, and use plants for medicine or practical uses such as cordage.
Coyote Mentoring
Learn how to facilitate classes and rites of passage.. how to inspire a deep curiosity so the student is engaged and asking to be taught… how to know when to teach and when to sit back and guide the student in the process of learning and resting in their own questions.

Apprenticeship & Application
As this is an application based training, we’ll be giving you as many opportunities as we have available to help mentor and facilitate classes in the spring and summer. You’ll also be asked to help host the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice events. Part of your training is how to host circles by Way of Council techniques. You’ll be asked to host these outside of our classes and with your community, family or friends.
We NEED trained guides… Our primary motivation for offering this training is so we have enough quality guides to help facilitate youth and adults wilderness rites of passage and nature classes. Possible paid employment options for those interested after apprenticeship.

Don’t you agree it’s time we begin to provide Guides and Facilitators who can not just teach information or skills but are able to connect us and inspire a way of being in deeper relation with the natural world… with ourselves? To not teach spiritual belief or dogma, but able to guide others to discover their own truth and relationship with Spirit and themselves.
This training weaves together wilderness skills, Ayurveda, Shamanism, and the tools to guide others and facilitate deep levels of change in others.