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Adult Mentoring


Gain the clarity, tools and confidence to navigate your inner and outer landscape of where ever you are on your journey

When we lived in an intact culture, we had the Elders and Shaman who had the training and experience to see beyond our struggle and see the specific influences at play.  From this they're able to artfully guide you to your own discovery and help you gain the tools, new incites, and confidence to navigate where you are.


It's understood that whatever you're experiencing, what ever stage of the great hoop of life you're in, there's great medicine and gifts within it.  The Shaman helps you discover what they are and harness them.


The Adult Mentoring is designed to reveal the larger picture and deeper meanings at play and learn new skills to navigate your present situation with greater effectiveness, connection, and understanding.

These sessions are to support you, provide healing, and offer tools to live in greater balance


This isn't knowledge you learn, it's wisdom you become

Learn Art of Inquiry & How to break free from unhealthy beliefs & stories

Discover how to ask the right questions


Learn how to break free from limiting beliefs and what other people may project onto you


How to own one's truth


Discover your potential and access your gifts to live your potential


How to navigate your unique path in life with confidence


How to spot and bypass common obstacles

Learn Principles of Ayurveda, Meditation & Mindfulness

Gain the upper hand on life!  Learn what every adult wish they learned when they were young!


Discover your unique body-mind type called a Dosha which empowers you to understand your strengths and limitations and how to maximize your strengths!


Discover the common pitfalls for your Dosha and how to keep the upper hand!


Discover the specific "why's" of other people's characteristics, motivators, and mental-emotional makeups.


Discover the four stages of your personal cycle and how to maintain balance rather than get derailed by them.

Learn How To Manage Emotions, Mind, & Impulses

The #1 way we give our power away and experience struggle is when we allow our mind, emotions and impulses hijack us.


It's shown those who know how to manage them have greater control of their life and get more of what they want in life.


Learn mindfulness practices, how to neutralize core triggers that create strong reactions/impulses, and how to maintain control when triggered.


Also discover meditations, rituals or other practices that are most relevant to you.

Discover the tools, understanding, and techniques to navigate any challenge and thrive in life

If you're local, our mentoring happens outside amongst nature.  These are all public parks. 


OR they happen by phone sessions as we invite you to walk outside during  the session so Nature can still be part of the council and classroom 


We use storytelling, nature connection, and deep inquiry to draw the lessons into life so they become a real tangible experience that becomes apart of them.  


Everyone has a unique journey and we allow your journey guide us in our mentoring.  What this means is we don't create structured lessons.  These mentorships are designed to provide the support, knowledge, and guidance as your life dictates.  

Fill out the form.  Please share why you'd like mentoring.  What are the primary challenges and what you'd like to gain from a guide.  Ask any questions you may have.


We honor a tradition of first beginning with an introduction then discovering if we're able to be of service.

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Mentorships range from $97 to $150/session.  Depends on location, travel, and focus.

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