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Becoming EarthWise Retreat

Restoring our Mythic Connection to Nature

For a little while, we invite you to trade comfort for wild beauty… invite you to leave the domesticated world behind all together and enter a mythic ancestral experience where we greet the gods and goddess of Dawn and drum the stars into the sky….


Gather around the fire where even the trees lean in to listen to the stories that weave us back into the soul of the world.

As Humans, we've lost our mythic connection to life.  We've ceased to expose ourselves to the sheer wild beauty of nature that breaks you open and restores your mythic relationship with that Greater Otherness dreaming us into the world. 

Join us for three days and two nights on our Full Moon Retreat where we journey to what are traditionally called "Power Places."  These are special places in Nature that have a way of breaking us open and restoring our mythic remembrance of the Sacred Otherness.

In each place we'll have a profound experience as we enter in a special kind of ritual that weaves us back into the soul of the world. 

We'll walk through night time forest without  any lights but bathed within the glow of the full Moon Maiden and arrive at glacial lake waters where we experience an old moon speech that can only be heard on moonlit waters.  Laughter, beauty making, ecstatic joy... some may enter those warm summer waters and join the moon in her water dance.  

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One morning we'll wake early and venture to a powerful vista point where through eloquent speech and drumming you'll have a felt experience of feeding the sun to break open into the day!

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We'll journey to a secret location and greet one of the oldest Cedar Trees in the North Cascade Mountains called The Council of Grandmothers.  Cedar is known as the tree of life and at her base are clear creek waters.  In the northern myths it was known the Well of Memory flows at the base of the Tree of Life. Here we'll do a special ritual of drinking from well of memory, placing our hands lovingly on Council of Grandmothers where we do a special act of feeding the Tree of Life.

Through our journey of mythtelling and wild adventures we decolonize our minds and re-indigenize our hearts... We drop the veils that have long been binding us and we have a felt experience of remembering a greater connection we've forgotten but have had all along. 

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Only 8 Spots Available.... â€‹



Choose between two dates or come to both

August Full Moon​

Aug 12th, 13th & 14th


September Full Moon

Sept 9th, 10th, 11th


Arrive Friday morning between 10 and 11am so you can set up camp, brush off the road dust and fully arrive.


Opening Circle begins promptly at noon.


Closing Circle is Sunday at 11am.



$200 without camp spot


$250 with Camping Spot


To confirm your spot, email us at and share why you'd like to attend.  We'll then schedule a 15 minute phone call to connect with you personally.  


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