Earth Speech
Remembering Ourselves Home
This is a traditional learning trail that guides you to have the direct felt experience of what the Navajo call the “original instructions” given to us by Creator.
The Old Celts call these the original seeds… the Aborigine call them the original songlines… each pre-colonial-christian society has their own name.
The elders share we've fallen out of our story... fallen out of the Earth's story and have forgotten how we fit into this greater interconnected web of life and have become what Indigenous Cultures call Soul-Loss.
The indigenous mind know we owe it to the earth to become that part of the song that's missing. The Earth wants to put the song back together and if we remember how to be that part of the song that's missing we restore wholeness to the earth... to the people.
What we're doing here is calling in the elders and wisdom keepers, leaning to the mythic stories, reflecting around the fireside in soulful conversations and going out into nature where you have a felt experience of what are called these unteachable learnings...
We're restoring the more traditional way of not "learning information" but what's ancestrally known as a "Coming to know".
We are tapping into what the Curandera of Mexico call "The River Beneath the River" or what the Old Norse call the Well of Memory.
We’re putting our story back together and being re-woven into the Earth’s Psychology.
We're re-attuning ourselves to Earth Speech.
Listen in to the evocation​
Listen in and get a greater feel for what this journey is and entails.
Through Earth Speech, we’re remembering ourselves home
Through This 7 Month Journey, we'll lean into:
What the Navajo call, Original Instructions giving to us by Creator and hence restore a way of living as part of the earth
Breaking free from the spell casted enchantments of colonization as you learn how to identify them.
Adopting and growing back into an Indigenous way of being, thinking, and engaging in the world that nourishes life and informs you of the unique "medicine" you are contributing to the day.
Reclaiming and leaning into the world library of myths, stories and folktales that inform you of the deeper understandings and meanings within your own cyclic movement of life
What is it to De-colonize our minds and re-indigenize our hearts in these modern times.
How can we become that part of the song that's missing
How to re-attune to these original ways of living that restores our deeper sense of connection, and power to bloom the dreamings we hold within.
Details & Flow
The 7 month journey aligns with the seasonal influences and earth energies. We begin in the time of the Fall Equinox and complete our journey during the Spring Equinox.
Twice a month we gather around the virtual fireside (zoom) where in the oral tradition of storytelling, ritual and soulful dialogue, we awaken and activate these ancestral remembrances.
In between council fires, you're invited to visit "power places" or particular places in nature where you're shown traditional etiquette of connecting in and encountering the unteachable learnings. Partake in Rituals of reconciliation.
You'll have access to our online platform where we post the stories, inspired content and guided instructions. We stay connected as a community posting our experiences, sharing stories, and inspiration.
Village Culture & Field Trips
For those in the PNW, you'll have the option to join us on fields trips to power places in Washington & Oregon, gather around the fire for storytelling and rituals, and have adventures. These will be scheduled out each month and are bonus invitations.
You'll have opportunities to experience the gifts and crafts of others in our community as they invite us to participate inactivities and experiences to tap in and cultivate community. (these may ask for additional contributions)
Mentorship & Elders
The journey includes two levels of mentorship to tailor the journey to you, your life and location.
The Roots & Bones Mentorship gives you access to Chivito via our online platform where you can message him directly and get tailored guidance.
Raven's Beak Mentorship is for those wanting to go deeper, draw out hidden layers, and have a weekly time to anchor in with Chivito. Includes 21 scheduled mentor sessions (3/month) by phone or in-person.
We'll invite Elder's of various traditions and lineages to contribute their presence, direct cultural knowledge and stories. These may be offered as bonus council fires and will be offered per their availability.
Listen in to the evocation​
Listen in and get a greater feel for what this journey is and entails.
Dates, Investment, Enroll
Dates & Times:
Two Virtual Fire Gatherings per month. Choose between
11am OR 6pm PST
Sept 13th & 27th
Oct 11th & 25th
Nov 8th & 22nd
Dec 13th & 27th
Jan 10th & 24th
Feb 14th & 28th
March 14th & 28th
Roots & Bones Mentorship
$1,225 or $175/month
Raven's Beak Mentorship
$2,100 or $300/month
Includes two hour long mentoring sessions/month plus bonus sessions when you need them.
Partial Scholarships Available
Our purpose is to share and help others have access to these rememberings. Contact us for details.
How To Join
This is an invite only journey. We're very deliberate with who we invite in so to craft a safe and sacred container that fosters a sense of community and inspired dialogue.
Click the button below and you'll be prompted to schedule a 15 minute phone conversation.... There will be a form to fill out to introduce yourself, ask questions and share why this journey resonates with you.
If you'd like to ask questions before scheduling a session, email us at Chivito is an open book and happy to connect and answer any questions you have.