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Medicine People Rising

Re-indigenizing and Embody Our Medicine

This part of our Medicine People Rising Series helping healers, mentors, coaches, teachers, and others who help people to break the unconscious spells of colonization and religious trauma and re-indigenize our Medicine and how we may serve our communities.

In this first series we restore the ancestral and mythic perspective of experiencing the dark descent, times of struggle and uncertainty.  We reveal how these are initiatory times and how you may lean in and navigate the dark from an ancestral persepctive.
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Navigating The Dark Descent

Helping The Medicine People in Times of Darkness

This isn’t a course but rather a Crossing, a passage through the dark.


It’s an indigenous & ancestral approach to navigating what’s traditionally known as the Dark Descent or Long Night of Soul.

It was once regarded with respect and it was known each person, especially medicine people, will experience it.  The Descent is considered how we become initiated into the hidden medicine inside us.


But few today know how to navigate it nor do we have the traditional elders, shamans or cultural practices to support this initiatory experience.


Instead many isolate themselves, feel ashamed and attempt to navigate it alone. This is part of our colonized conditioning that undermines our medicine and ensnares us in a dark loop.


We're restoring the elders and guides to support our community through these initiatory times. 

The Dark Descent often includes:

  • A dissolution of self

  • Feeling a fraud

  • Loss of direction

  • Sense of Shame

  • Radical changes

  • Grief

  • Loss

  • Unfamiliar territory

  • Uncertainty

  • Powerless

  • Inept in your own abilities

The primary struggle is we no longer have the ancestral frame and indigenous knowledge to understand what's happening and why.   


Instead of an initiatory experience that blooms the hidden medicine within you, many get caught in a recurring loop that undermines their life.


Many get stuck in the dark and carry a sense of shame and inadequacy.

When you know the stages within the descent you gain a renewed sense of clarity and power.

When you know what to look for, you become informed with how to navigate unfamiliar territory and uncertainty.

The What

During these five weeks we restore an ancestral and indigenous understanding of navigating your times of struggle.  You gain a new frame of reference that gives you renewed direction, what to lean into, what questions to ask, and what to do. 

Everyone's Descent is
different and deeply personal.  Hence you're not given bullet points of what you should do.

Instead, you learn the indigenous etiquette of

  • What to look for

  • How to stalk the questions you haven't yet thought to ask

  • How to court the dark so it reveals the hidden teachings, medicine and gifts it has in waiting for you.

You're offered practices with how to harvest the medicine, gifts and new strengths that you're being invited into through your descent

You learn how to see the path ahead, step through the threshold and ascend in a way you bloom into the gifts and medicine you activated within you.

You're not in dark times, you're in Initiatory times. 
You're on Mythic Ground!

The How

We're de-colonizing and re-indigenizing how we share, learn, and grow into the learnings. 

We hence share in a more traditional way that weaves together inspired storytelling, ritual, humor, and soulful dialogue.

We circle together around the Virtual Fireside (zoom) each Thursday at 6pm pst.  In this we acknowledge we're not merely on zoom but we're in fact in circle with each other, tending the fire and calling in the ancestral remembrances to be with us, guide us and show us the way.

Please Note: For privacy and creating a safe space, we do not record our zoom sessions.  We do however record the content for viewing on your own.

Between council fires, you experience a new sense of grace and clarity as you restore a mythic perspective of your experience.


You'll be invited into our Online Learning Trail platform. Here's you'll have access to recordings of our live content, articles and other resources.

You have direct access to Chivito at anytime through our online platform. You're fully supported. Reach out at anytime.

Mentor Session Available
If you'd like to go deeper and draw out the hidden layers, the questions that are stalking you, and experience traditional mentorship, you can schedule private sessions with Chivito by phone or in-person. (Additional cost)


Dates & Time
Thursdays 6pm-8pm pst
Jan 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
Feb 2nd



How To Join 

We're intentional with who we invite in so to create a safe and sacred space for all. 


We model a more traditional way by beginning with an introduction. 


Please email Chivito at


Share why this resonates and what you're currently experiencing.  We'll then schedule a 15 minute phone conversation to further connect and lean into the journey. 

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