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Earth Speech

Remembering Ourselves Home

This is a journey of restoring our Mythic-Indigenous relationship with life as we remember how we’re part of the Earth’s Dreaming… an extension of nature… part of a greater mythic weave of life’s majestic tapestry.


The elders share we've fallen out of our story and have forgotten how we fit into this greater interconnected web of life and have become what Indigenous Cultures call Soul-Loss.

We’re breaking free from the spell-casted veils of colonial-christian conditioning that disconnects us from ourselves, our potential and this greater mythic experience of life.


We’re restoring the ancestral remembrances of Earth Speech and how we may re-attune ourselves to being part of nature.  We’re asking where are the natural energies of the Earth coming into you, supporting you and your imagination.

We’re making the shift from dreaming to being Dreamt by the Earth Herself and in doing so access the gifts we each uniquely have to contribute.  We’re reclaiming our power to bloom the dreaming held within you.

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A Mayan Elders shares “The indigenous mind knows that we owe it to the Earth to become that part of the song that’s missing. The Earth wants to put the song back together.  If we can become the lost parts of the song we put the Earth back together, we put the health of the people back together.” ~ Martin Prechtel

In this 7 month journey we are remembering how to be part of the Earth Song again.  We’re restoring an Indigenous Psychology or Earth Psychology that restores a way of being in a sacred and reciprocal relationship with life.


We’re restoring the cross cultural mythic lens that gifts us the deeper meaning, connection and relationships with that which can’t be spoken in ordinary words.


This immersion is shared in the oral traditions that guides you to have direct experience with these relational ways of being as an extension of Nature so this isn’t information you learn, it’s wisdom you become.

Experience a more traditional path. A weave of the old ways sung in the old languages that re-attunes you to the sacred originality of it all.

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Listen in to the evocation​

Listen in and get a greater feel for what this journey is and entails. 

For further details read below... If you feel a stirring within, a calling to journey with us, click the button to schedule a time to connect by phone and introduce yourself. This is an invite only journey and requires an initial phone conversation to connect.   If you have any questions, email us at

Some of the Inner Weavings We'll Lean into

Earth Speech &

The River Beneath The River

As the 13 Grandmothers share, “We are not separate from the Earth. We are an extension of nature and the laws that govern the seasons, weather changes, plants and animals also govern us.”


You’ll learn Earth Speech and how to tap into what’s called the river beneath the river which reveals the hidden principles influencing you everyday.  You learn how to listen and attune yourself to how nature is moving through you, your body and emotions, is informing you… 


You'll experience shifting from the colonized-industrial conditioning of fighting against nature and pushing life forward to nourishing life, entering a state of flow, connection and an ability to harness the powers of nature to bloom the dreamings you hold within.

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Reading What Cannot Be Written

The oral tradition is laced with hidden knowledge and endangered wisdom.  Through storytelling, we reflect on the hidden teachings in traditional stories, songs and folktales from around the world that stir the ancestral rememberings yet held in our bone memory.

Here we’re restoring Soul Speech and tap into the initiatory nature of your own life. You gain a mythic view that unlocks the hidden meanings of your present, past and future life experiences.

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Being Healed By The Land

Every land and culture had places in nature of profound beauty called power places. Throughout this journey you'll visit these in your area and tune your heart to the Soul-Speech of place.


Power places hold special energy, healing, and mythic remembrances. You’ll learn the ancestral ways and rituals of connecting in and becoming receptive to the gifts they have to offer.  


From this you’ll have experiences of being broken open, receiving transmissions, and experience deep forms of healing and empowerment.

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Restoring The Songlines


It was once known we each come into the world with a song and you are that song, but spells have been cast and we’ve forgotten how to attune to what the Aborigine call our Songline. 


We draw from more traditional and indigenous practices of attuning to your songline... learn how to court it, nourish it and embody it within today's world.  


A soul nourishing journey that has a felt sense of remembering yourself home.


Breaking Enchantments

The elders share we've fallen out of our true story and have become spell casted.  We've fallen out of the Earth's story. 


When we’ve adopted an inner critic, a sense of scarcity or have forgotten our power to bloom the dreamings we hold within us then we’ve fallen into a spell. We’ve been given a story that binds us and we want to restore the stories that weave us back into our greater belonging and power.

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Old Crone & The Cauldron of Mysteries

Shamanism invites us into a more mythic relationship with life where we recognize we have an innate ability to influence the physical reality through rituals, thought-forms, and intention. We’ll tap into core practical principles that empower you to influence and connect in with the subtle so to be in greater relationship and flow with life..

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Details & Flow

The journey aligns with the seasonal influences and earth energies (trailing the river beneath the river). We begin at the Fall Equinox and complete our journey on the Spring Equinox.


Experience a more traditional path of learning. Instead of a “program” of accumulating information and techniques, this is a journey restoring our relationship, connection and ancestral remembrances.


You’re guided in the old ways so you have direct experience with these endangered teachings woven in your bone memory of being an extension of Nature and The Earth’s Dreaming… to have direct experience with these mythic-indigenous ways of being.


This isn’t information you learn, it’s wisdom you become


Twice a month we gather around the virtual fireside (zoom) where in the oral tradition of storytelling, ritual and soulful dialogue, we awaken and activate these ancestral remembrances.


In between council fires, you have access to our online platform where we post the stories, inspired content and guided instructions. We stay connected as a community posting our experiences, sharing stories, and inspiration.

Village Culture & Field Trips

For those in the PNW, we'll schedule journeys to power places, to gather around the fire for storytelling and rituals, and have adventures. These are optional and part of restoring village culture and community.


You may also have opportunities to experience the gifts and crafts of others in our community as they create activities and experiences to connect, deepen your felt experiences with these ancestral remembrance and cultivate community.  


All these are optional and bonus invitations and may ask for additional contributions

Mentorship & Elders

The journey includes two levels of mentorship to tailor the journey to you, your life and location.


The Roots & Bones Mentorship gives you access to Chivito via our online platform where you can message him directly and get tailored guidance. 


Raven's Beak Mentorship is for those wanting to go deeper, draw out hidden layers, and have a weekly time to anchor in with Chivito.  Includes 21 scheduled mentor sessions (3/month) by phone or in-person. 



We'll invite Elder's of various traditions and lineages to contribute their presence, direct cultural knowledge and stories. These may be offered as bonus council fires and will be offered per their availability. 

Listen in to the evocation​

Listen in and get a greater feel for what this journey is and entails. 

Dates, Investment, Enroll

Virtual Council Fires (zoom) Times â€‹

Choose between

11am - 1pm PST

6pm - 8pm PST 



Sept   13th & 27th

Oct     11th & 25th

Nov      8th & 22nd

Dec     13th & 27th

Jan      10th & 24th

Feb     14th & 28th

March 14th & 28th



Roots & Bones Mentorship

$1,225 or $175/month


Raven's Beak Mentorship

$2,100 or $300/month

 Includes three hour long mentoring sessions/month plus bonus sessions when you need them.


Gift Culture & Sliding Scale

We're here to be of service and make these experiences that stir remembrances available. We're happy to work with you on what may be a comfortable exchange. 

How To Join


This is an invite only journey. We're very deliberate with who we invite in so to craft a safe and sacred container that fosters a sense of community and  inspired dialogue.


Click the button below and you'll be prompted to schedule a 15 minute phone conversation.... There will be a form to fill out to introduce yourself, ask questions and share why this journey resonates with you. 


If you'd like to ask questions before scheduling a session, email us at   Chivito is an open book and happy to connect and answer any questions you have.

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