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Sacred Healing

Massage, Detox, Treatments

Eastern Healing Arts of Massage, Acupressure, and Ayurveda

We weave together eastern and western modalities.  We approach massage as a craft and discipline to be honed in over a lifetime.  We've adopted the Eastern mindset that each person is an expression of the Great Divinity and so each massage is a done as sacred offering.

Massage & Traditional Offerings

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1 hour $150


Shirodhara is a very powerful Ayurvedic treatment that releases stress from the nervous system.  It facilitates the body’s own healing responses by disarming the stress response aspect of the nervous system (sympathetic) and activating the parasympathetic (healing) response. Incredible to receive... 

Coming Soon!

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2 hours $150

 The practitioner uses light to medium pressure to activate specific energy points and lines (sen lines) in your body.  You’ll be adjusted into various yoga-like positions on the mat that enables the body to naturally open.  The practitioner applies rhythmic pressing, stretching and massaging of the limbs.

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1 hour $120

1.5 hours $150

This is like a traditional western style massage but more deeply restorative and spiritually rejuvenating. It’s offered on a massage table.

Weaves together Western Techniques, Lomi Lomi, and Eastern accupressure, you'll experience a deeply restorative and healing massage.

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