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Wilderness Scout


An ancestral way of learning and earning relationship with Nature

I’m looking for a group of about 8 souls who want to learn primitive skills, ways of the scout and learn the ancestral perspectives of being amongst the forest in a sacred manner.

This is a nine month immersion training where we gather one weekend a month to learn both nature skills and the ancestral perspectives of being in sacred relationship with the plants, animals, and land.


We draw from an aboriginal practice called Wild Land Dreaming.  It's a way of walking the land that it may dream it's stories, songs, and teachings through you.

Imagine being able to walk off into the forest or any wild area and have a heightened awareness of what’s happening all around you.  To be able to read the tracks, signs, and understand the sounds and sensations. Imagine having the basic primitive skills to survive in the wild.  Imagine learning the ancestral perspectives that give you entrance into a deeper relationship with the forest, animals, rivers, and land.


We’ll meet once a month at our primitive camp at the base of Mt Hood.  Gather around the fire within the sacred lodge, follow the animal tracks and learn to read the signs of nature.  Learn the significance of bird language and how their different calls reveals what’s happening all around us.  

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You’ll learn how to make fire by friction using the plants of the land.  Learn to make primitive shelters, basics of navigation, and learn about the plants of the region. 

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You’ll learn ways of the Scout who has a heightened ability to know the land, read the signs, and be amongst nature. The scout has heightened senses and through games, exercises, and immersions who’ll expand your senses and gain entrance to many others.


You'll learn the ancestral perspectives that give entrance to a more expanded and connected way of being amongst the wild.  To consider what it means to let the land steward you instead of you steward the land.  To consider what it means to be part of the conversation nature is having all around you.  What it means to become "relatives" with forest.  To consider what it means to be belonged by land.. to be claimed by place.  What it is to be in relationship with the great cyclic hoop and web of life you're part of.


Nature Skills

Plant I.D.
You’ll learn how to identify the trees and fauna of the PNW or guided how to learn those of your region.  Rather than learning information, you’re guided into the naturalist mindset so you may begin to not just identify, but see the relationships of plants, animals and eco-systems.  It’s learning a new language and way of perceiving.

Tracking & Animal Sign:
You’ll learn the basics of tracking.  More importantly, you’ll learn how to adopt the Tracker’s mind and how to ask the right questions to piece together the story and discover the relational aspects at play.  It's becoming grounded in a beginners mind.


Primitive Skills:
How to make friction fire by bow-drill, make primitive shelters, and use plants for medicine or practical uses such as cordage.


Bird Language
Learn the core calls/songs of birds and how they reveal what’s happening all around you in the forest.  Discover how to learn the baseline of a given area, to identify the community and get to know the routines.

Nature Awareness
Learn how to discover the baseline community and languages of a specific environment.  Learn how to be included within the community and hence become part of the conversations the animals, birds, plants and energies are having.  Learn to communicate with them.

We NEED trained guides.  We hope a few of you will want to join our guide team and help facilitate nature and wilderness classes

A Different Kind of Learning

This is an introduction immersive nature skills and awareness training.  While you learn core skills listed above, there’s something else happening here.


What we’re doing here is “learning” how to apprentice to the land itself.  We’re inviting the plants, trees, rivers, mountains and even weather to teach us how to learn from them.


The one key character of Nature and the Wild is that it is never the same.  No matter your skills, each time you show up in Nature you are learning to apply them in new ways. 

You'll learn in a more traditional manner where instead of being provided information and answers, you’re guided into a new way of asking questions.  It's a way of being broken open from our limited views of perceiving and thinking and learning how to embody a special kind of curiosity that enables the land and plants and energies of the wild speak to you. 

We facilitate this class where we are all students. Even your instructors embody being a student.  To be humble, curious and maintaining a beginners mind is an essential attitude of this sort of training.


You'll experience the traditional way of learning via gathering around the fire, storytelling, elders, and peer to peer mentoring.  You learn through what's called the invisible school where you awaken the teachings through direct experience. 

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Details & Logistics


We'll gather one weekend a month. This is an overnight campout and our locations may change as the weather and season dictates.  Our base camp is on Mt Hood just outside of Welches OR.   We may also gather at Oxbox Regional Park and the Oregon Coast.   Be prepared to campout Friday and Saturday night.



6pm to 8:30pm Friday 

9:00am to 4pm Saturday & Sunday


Sept 27, 28, 29

Oct 18, 19, 20

Nov 15, 16, 17

Jan 17, 18 & 19

Feb  14, 15 & 16

March 20, 21 & 22

April 10, 11 & 12

May 15, 16 & 17

June 19, 20 & 21



Monthly Installments:

$300/month x 10 months

How To Join

If your curious to learn more or interested in joining us, fill out the form.  Please share why this resonates and would like to get from it.  We'll then schedule a FREE 30 minute phone interview to connect with you further, share details and answer any questions you have.  


Much Gratitude

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Details & Logistics


We'll gather one weekend a month. This is an overnight campout and our locations may change as the weather and season dictates.  Our base camp is on Mt Hood just outside of Welches OR.   We may also gather at Oxbox Regional Park and the Oregon Coast.   Be prepared to campout Friday and Saturday night.



6pm to 8:30pm Friday 

9:00am to 4pm Saturday & Sunday


Sept 27, 28, 29

Oct 18, 19, 20

Nov 15, 16, 17

Jan 17, 18 & 19

Feb  14, 15 & 16

March 20, 21 & 22

April 10, 11 & 12

May 15, 16 & 17

June 19, 20 & 21




Monthly Installments:

$300/month x 10 months

How To Join

If your curious to learn more or interested in joining us, fill out the form.  Please share why this resonates and would like to get from it.  We'll then schedule a FREE 30 minute phone interview to connect with you further, share details and answer any questions you have.  


Much Gratitude

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