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Improving Your Relationships

via Ayurveda & Shamanism

We heal our communities by healing our relationships.  It's revealing how to relate with one another on a deeper level that breathes greater connection into our lives!

Various studies reveal approximately 50% of marriages result in divorce.  Perhaps it's time we begin to relate with our partners on a deeper level, understanding how Spirit manifest through us uniquely and come together to be "partners" of both journeying through this life together and supporting each other on our unique individual paths.


It's amazing when we: 

  1. Cease to take things personally 

  2. Begin to understand ourselves and our partner 

  3. Know how to show up for one another rather than react from one another

  4. Know how to be in healthy conflict

  5. Discover new ways of communicating

How Can Shamanism & Ayurveda Help Relationships? Click Here

When you learn what to be aware of and how to participate with greater awareness of our partners and ourselves, we experience stepping into a greater ease of living together where we shift from struggling together to having a joint experience of being alive!   And that's a magical place to be with a soul-partner!

Below Are Courses, Classes & Coaching

focused on improving relationships

Online Intro Course


Improving Your Relationship

Via Ayurveda & Shamanism

A Great Way To Get Started!

By taking steps to improve your ability to relate, to communicate, and connect... you're nourishing the roots that help your relationship blossom! 

Ayurveda reveals a simple and common sense way of understanding your partner and yourself, how to recognize what's happening on a deeper level and how to show up for them knowing what to do and when to do it.


In turn, they learn how to do the same for you!


This is a fun and playful exploration and you'll be amazed by what you discover, how those nuances of your partner suddenly make so much sense.

The Doshas & Relationship

The Art of Listening & Words of Influence

Learn how to hear what your partner is really saying and in turn learn how to be heard.


You'll learn the words and language patterns you may be using right now that's harming your connection and discover those that will provide better communication, understanding, and nourish your relationship.

Sacred Partnership

How to Spirit Journey Together

In this magical class you learn how to honor the sacredness of each other and support each other on your unique spirit journeys.


You learn how to identify the specific cycles, what to expect in each one and how to show up for each other and yourself during each stage


Learn rituals you can do together, how to create sacred space for the two of you, and share your individual journeys as you travel together.

 Introductory phone journey


The greatest growth comes from private mentoring.  Whether you're looking for a single session to address something specific, gain new clarity, get unblocked or looking for longer support, we're honored to offer you an introductory 45 minute Shamanic Journey via the phone for only $45.  


It's an opportunity to connect, to experience the quality of mentoring and be artfully lead into a space of greater clarity.


Begin by using the form below to introduce yourself and share your story, intentions, and ask any questions you may have.  We're an open book and happy to serve!

Curious about personal mentoring?


Begin with an introduction.


No two spirit roads are the same.  Begin the conversation with introducing yourself.  Share a bit of your story, what are you currently experiencing or challenged with and the vision you'd like to move toward.


You're beginning the conversation and from this we may offer you an introductory phone session so we may connect deeper and you  can experience the depth and quality of our mentoring.

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In The Meantime, Get Started with our Online Intro Course

Online Intro Course


Improving Your Relationship

Via Ayurveda & Shamanism

A Great Way To Get Started!



Do you have questions?  Use the form to ask any questions, share what you're experiencing and wanting to move toward.  


We'll respond promptly and if we're out in the Wilderness we'll respond as soon as we return


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Restoring the Rites of Passage for adults and youth as we navigate the cycles of life.  Restoring Village Culture that weaves us back into an intact community.





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