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Online Offerings for  those unable to attend our live gatherings

We recognize not everyone can make it out into nature or fit our classes into their schedule so we've made a few intro classes you can do online on your own time and from any device.


The offerings below will allow you to explore and deepen your sense of connection, cleanse the mind and learn how to live in a sacred manner connected and grounded with a greater connection to the cyclic nature of life.

The 30 Day Mind Cleanse

If we always plunge our mind into stress and anxiety how will it ever find rest?


Nourish, enliven, and make the mind smile over the next 30 days.  Each day receive a new incite how to eliminate stress and instead harness the mind to your benefit.  

Intro To Improving Your Relationship

Ayurveda & Shamanism reveals very simple an effective incites on how to greatly improve our ability to communicate, to be heard, to show up for one another, and live together in a sacred way.


In this INTRO course, you'll learn the core basics EVERY couple should know.  

The Aligned Self

Accessing The Elder Within

The Sacred Text of the East and many of these great masters share there is nothing to attain for the Self is already attained.


In this intro class, you'll be guided into the Aligned Self, where you gain access to the Elder within you... That wisdom keeper within you that holds all the wisdom, strengths and knowing you were born with.

Coming Soon

Intro to Deep Meditation

Everyone can experience deep meditation if you know the formula on how to lovingly lead your mind.


Few have a consistent meditation experience.  In this intro course you'll learn the simple techniques handed down to Chivito from these Himalayan Shaman he lived and trained with.


Regardless of your experience level, you'll be able to enter and enjoy deep states of meditation

Coming Soon

The Karma Cleanse

There are four kinds of Karma at play in our life right now.  Do you know what they are and how they're playing out for you specifically?


This is a powerful introductory in learning to identify your current Karma and what you can do to cleanse negative Karma and begin manifesting the positive Karma into your relationships, finances, health and life.  Very essential wisdom to have!


Coming Soon

Intro To Ritual and Living In a Sacred Manner

Ritual is an important part of life.  It helps to ground and connects us.  It creates the space for us to connect with our ancestors and the spirits guiding us so they may continue go guide us, lead us, and show us the way.


In this course, you'll learn how to perform ritual, how to activate it so it has the desired effect, and delicious incite with how to live in a sacred manner amongst our modern madness of life.

Coming Soon

30 Day Compassionate

Heart Challenge

Love is our natural state yet we've been conditioned to be in a state of fear and separation.  In this FREE 30 day challenge, you'll learn how to cultivate understanding, compassion and gratitude.  


You'll discover the inside awareness of what's happening unseen and learn how to live with a greater sense of compassion

Coming Soon
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